Color Me Successful

Imagine the Coca-Cola logo in brown instead of its familiar red. Or picture the Harley-Davidson logo in a bright, pastel yellow rather than black and orange. Your emotional reaction to this exercise may range from discomfort to revulsion. That’s the power of color. While there are endless theories on why colors evoke associations and emotional…

The Power Of Person

“Who are you marketing to?” seems like a simple question, but the correct answer takes some work. “We are in the B2B space,” is accurate on the highest level and narrowing it down to technology buyers brings you a little closer to your goal. But the question still remains, who is your true audience? The…

Why A Brand Is MORE Than Just A Logo

What makes the world’s leading brands more recognizable? Is it their world famous logos, the products or services they offer or what other people have to say about them? What contributes to a company’s brand & identity? World of mouth is a strong factor in increasing brand popularity there is no denying that. However, if you…