Have you ever come across a web site that just didn’t seem credible? You checked it out but ended up fact checking or looking elsewhere, simply because the web site appeared unprofessional. This happens a lot, sometimes it has to do with the actual appearance of the site and sometimes it has to do with the content. Whatever the circumstances may be you need to take action to ensure your web site does not fall under this category.
Credible Content
One way to keep your site looking professional and credible is to have solid content. It needs to be well written and have correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Things as simple as spelling errors make your site seem unprofessional. It shows carelessness and will leave the viewer wondering if the information you are providing is correct. Additionally, don’t write anything on your site that you deem a fact, unless it is a fact. If you try to pass off incorrect information as correct, it reflects very poorly on your web site and your company.
Professional Appearance
Sometimes people can get carried away when designing their web site. They may load it up with graphics, videos, bright colors, etc. This may seem really fun at the time, but in reality your web site ends up looking like a high school girl’s MySpace circa 2005. You don’t want this. Keep your web site looking good by using quality color schemes (colors that actually look good together and match the personality of the site) and keeping the graphics to a minimum. Graphics are great to visually communicate, but sometimes people can really overload their site and it just ends up looking tacky. In web design more often than not, less is more.
Site Your Sources
If you are going to make a claim or state any number of facts on your web site, be sure to site your sources. If you are providing your viewers with information, regardless of how correct you are, be sure to back up what you are saying with sources. Not only will this keep you from plagiarizing, but it will also give you the credibility you need to look professional on the web.
Professionalism will always go a long way. Regardless of the industry you are in, people like to know that you know what you are talking about. Maintaining a professional web site will give you that and more!